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All Ireland Football Final - Armagh v Galway. Cumann na mBunscol/INTO/GAA Mini 7s Game will take place at 16:08
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Awards and AGM Information

3rd Mar 2024

A Chairde

Please see the information below in relation to our AGM and Awards.


Our AGM will take place on Saturday the 9th March in the Mullingar Park Hotel Mullingar. The meeting will begin at 11.00am with registration and tea from 10.30am.

Each county and provincial Committee may nominate two delegates to attend at AGM.

50 Bliain ag Fás:

Counties or provincial Councils can purchase copies of 'Cumann na mBunscol, 50 Bliain ag Fás' at a reduced price. Hard copies €35 .Soft cover €25.  Please submit  orders to our Treasurer at

Books can be collected at the AGM


The Awards will take place on Friday 8th March at the Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar Co Westmeath.